
【Animal Crossing: New Horizons】Has the item been modified?

【Animal Crossing: New Horizons】Has the item been modified?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Has the item been modified?

Has the item been modified?

Recently, the rapid development of the Internet and
SNS (social networking service) has made it easy for anyone
to obtain fake goods, and there is an increasing number of cases
where modified mileage tickets are brought from other islands.

If it appears to be counterfeit goods that infringe intellectual property rights, you should not bring it to your island to protect your data.

You may be forced to take the following actions.

“Deactivate a user account, change the Nintendo Network ID and password, or cancel a user account”

Have fun playing

If you bring a modified item to your island and use it for fun.

The saved data may be corrupted and the game may not be playable.

Nintendo penalizes players who illegally duplicate items or engage in real money trading to sell or buy items.

I hope you will organize your thoughts again and share the information with your friends.

Please follow the rules and enjoy the games!


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